In 2021, Urban Utilities and the City of Gold Coast introduced new ‘Simpler Pricing’ models* for water and sewerage meter services for their non-residential customer. They stated that their reason for this was to make pricing ‘more equitable, more consistently applied and aligned to a user pays principle’.
However, as a result of the new model being applied, many medium to large water users have seen significant increases in their water bills. This is particularly true for businesses who have their fire services connected to their meter, rather than just potable water.
Under the new Simpler Pricing model, businesses get charged based on the size of their meter. And for many businesses who don’t have the correct size meter, this is where their issue with skyrocketing water bills starts.
A commercial property owner in Rocklea recently contacted us about his water bill had increased by a whopping 436% following the introduction of the new simpler pricing’ model.
Their business included an office/main shed, mechanical shed and demountable building. We undertook an audit of the business’ water meter, and identified that the water meter was larger than it needed to be. We were able to reduce the water meter from 50mm to 25mm, resulting in significant cost savings for the business owner.
Likewise, a mixed-retail tenancy commercial building owner on the Gold Coast engaged us to do a water meter audit at their property. As a result, we were able to reduce their billable meter from 100mm to 40mm (the minimum size water meter allowable by the City of Gold Coast), again resulting in significant cost savings.
Engage an accredited QBCC licensed hydraulic consultant to conduct an audit to see if the size of your chargeable water meter can be reduced. If you’re an Urban Utilities customer, you’re also eligible to claim up to $1,500 of these costs – just supply Urban Utilities with a copy of the report from your accredited supplier.
If you’d like to find out more about what’s involved in a water meter audit, or to discuss your own situation and whether a water meter audit might help, get in touch with our Hydraulic Principal Rory O’Malley today on or call 07 3839 3050.
*You can see more about the new water meter charging models here:
Urban Utilities Customers or City of Gold Coast Customers