DMA Engineers was responsible for the electrical and mechanical services design at this site. Within this, DMA was also tasked to find a solution to overcome potential flooding risks to power supply associated with the site location, and come up with a design that minimised safety risks to workers when accessing services for routine maintenance.
Due to our team’s extensive experience in fuel station developments, we were able to offer input and additional value to the design process starting at the first meeting with United’s development representative.
We worked closely with project architects, Blackburne Jackson Design, to integrate the building services within the architectural form of the building, ensuring they enhanced the amenity without detracting from the site’s aesthetics.
Working with a site which is within a defined flood area, we liaised with Energex on a flood-free substation location and had our design and drawings quickly approved for construction.
With safety another key consideration for the client, our mechanical-services plant was located in an easy-to-maintain area at ground level, minimising the need for workers to access elevated heights.