nbn is Australia’s national broadband network service that connects homes and businesses to high speed internet.

When undertaking a new infrastructure project, developers are responsible for ensuring that they have provided a design that can readily interface with nbn systems and complies with all nbn requirements and their agreement with nbn.

This is where we come in.

We help developers to design their nbn pathways to make sure the pathways are correct and compliant.

Our Services

DMA Engineers are accredited in the design of nbn infrastructure as part of the Australia-wide nbn roll out.  This includes a range of project types including:

  • horizontal infrastructure projects such as subdivisions, townhouse developments, and shopping centres.
  • vertical infrastructure projects such as high-rise units and commercial developments.

Our nbn design services focus on pathway delivery only. We design the following elements, which are all undertaken in accordance with the specific nbn requirements and documentation as per nbn’s Autocad standards:

  • all pathway infrastructure
  • pits
  • conduits
  • risers
  • access panels.

This includes all types of technology within the nbn rollout that requires infrastructure and pathways, FTTP (Fibre-To-The-Premise), FTTN (Fibre-To-The-Node) and FTTB (Fibre-To-The-Basement).

For a complete overview of the work that we undertake, check out nbn’s Pre-Construct checklist. The checklist was designed to assist Developers in ensuring that they have provided a design that can readily interface with nbn systems.

What don't we do?

If you’re experiencing issues with the speed of your nbn connection, unfortunately we can’t help you with that! You will need to take this up with nbn directly.

Why use an accredited nbn designer?

Both accredited and non-accredited designers are able to undertake design work for nbn infrastructure.

The benefit of using an accredited designer is that we have taken the time to get trained in nbn requirements, so we fully understand the compliance processes, which gives our client’s peace of mind that we’re going to get it right.

In addition, nbn will soon be bringing in a number of benefits if you use an accredited designer, such as:

  • Fast tracked reviews and approvals: typically nbn designs require design reviews by nbn. When these are completed by an accredited designer, the review and approval will be fast-tracked and, in some cases, automatically approved.
  • Avoid fees for design reviews: at present nbn do not charge fees for design reviews, but they are set to come in mid-late 2019. These design review fees are waived when an accredited designer is used.

NBN equipment located in the Morayfield Health Hub Communications Room.

The benefit of using an accredited designer is that we fully understand the compliance processes, giving our clients peace of mind that we're going to get it right.
Our nbn design work
We've completed nbn design services on a range of different projects in South-East Queensland, from shopping centres to commercial and residential developments. Some of our recent experience includes:

- Redbank Plains Shopping Centre.
- More than 30 Subdivision projects including Highview Estate, Neighbourhood Park & Sanctuary Estate.
- Railton Street Townhouse Development, Aspley.

And the following projects:


For advice on nbn infrastructure design for your next project, get in touch with Nick at Nicholas.danicic@dmaengineers.com.auor call on (07) 3839 3050.