Fire Protection

Reliable and effective fire protection services promote life safety and asset protection in the built environment, which is the ultimate goal in fire protection for all building owners. Given the growing complexity of many construction projects such as large shopping centres and high-rise buildings, the design of fire services to protect the occupants and the buildings has become increasingly challenging.

Design of fire protection services requires an intimate understating of the Building Code of Australia to ensure the client’s objectives are met.

Our fire protection services

The DMA Engineers fire protection team provides solutions that not only to meet our client’s long term goals and regulatory requirements, but minimise future maintenance costs.

We design and certify fire protection systems and perform contract administration to ensure our design can be successfully implemented during the construction stage.

We offer the following fire protection design services:

  • Building Code of Australia advice
  • Site fire water reticulation including fire pumps and storage tanks
  • Fire sprinkler system design including ESFR and design to meet FM Global requirements
  • Fire hydrant and hose reel systems
  • Design of fire suppression systems including gaseous, foam solution and mist
  • Fire detection and alarm systems including VESDA
  • Portable fire extinguishers
  • Fire services certification
  • Fire system audits and inspections
  • Due diligence, cost advise and life cycle cost analysis
We design and certify fire protection systems and perform contract administration to ensure our design can be successfully implemented during the construction stage.
Our Fire Protection Team
Associate | Principal Fire Services Engineer
Mitchell Tonkin DMA Engineers
Fire Engineer
Graduate Fire Engineer
Graduate Fire Engineer
Graduate Fire Engineer
The industries we specialise in
We work across a variety of industries delivering fire protection services design, but some of the industries we have particular experience in include commercial, residential, sports and leisure , industrial, mixed use developments, hospitals and health care, aged care, hospitality, retail and shopping centres, education, animal hospitals and vet clinics.


If you would like to find out more about innovations in fire protection services design or to discuss options and ideas for your next project, please contact Koroush Keshavarz on or 07 3839 3050.